Fitueyes Inc FAQ

What is the origin of the brand name?

  • The brand name FITUEYES was coined by a staff member several years ago and can be broken down into three syllables: "Fit Your Eyes." This name was chosen not only for its catchy and memorable quality but also because it effectively encapsulates the features of TV stands and appropriately conveys the brand's values.

Why FITUEYES Chose TV Stands as the Main Category?

  • The enduring popularity of televisions in households, both in the past and today, makes them one of the most frequently used household appliances. TVs are like reliable companions, bringing happiness and entertainment to people's lives. This ubiquity has led to an increased demand for TV stands. However, many individuals face challenges when installing traditional TV stands, such as the need to drill holes in walls and the effort required to move bulky equipment. In response to these issues and with a commitment to offering high-quality user experiences, FITUEYES decided to focus on developing and launching TV stands with attractive designs and practical functions. The brand aims to make a positive impact in this market and serve people around the world.

Are FITUEYES TV Stands original?

  • FITUEYES places a strong emphasis on originality and innovation. Unlike many other brands, every FITUEYES product is independently designed and developed by an excellent design team. They draw inspiration from everyday life, gather customer feedback on market demands, and then craft TV stands with appealing designs and outstanding functionalities. Typically, FITUEYES invests over 2000 hours in the entire product development process, from the initial concept to the finished product. This rigorous approach ensures high product quality and a satisfying customer experience. FITUEYES also values post-sales feedback, as it provides valuable insights and suggestions for continuous product improvement. The brand consistently phases out outdated TV stand styles and introduces stands with sleek aesthetics and practical features. FITUEYES believes that only through ongoing enhancement and innovation in both form and function can their products gain acceptance in the market and earn a positive reputation among customers worldwide.

What is FITUEYES Brand Mission?

  • FITUEYES' brand mission is to integrate artistically designed TV stands into interior design and transcend the limitations of space by providing freedom of movement for TV stands. This mission aims to create better living spaces and empower people to live a free and flexible lifestyle.

What efforts we devoted into brand building?

  • FITUEYES continuously invests in brand building to promote its vision and values, focusing on delivering well-designed and innovative TV stands that enhance people's living spaces.